piątek, 30 maja 2014


One night a little boy heard weird noise from down stairs. He start to fear that this may be a monster. But when he come down stairs and go in the noise way he was to scared to move one more step. Then from the kitchen cupboard jump his cat. Straight into his little arms.

Scared boy start to screaming and crying. His parent come down stairs very quickly so scared about them little boy. When come near boy he turn round and stop shocked. The cat snout was all in blood. Parents found it weird by mum very quickly clean his snout.

In this time dad take his son into his arms and start to make him again sleepy. After few minutes kid again fell into sleep. All calm and happy. The same situation was happening all the time by next 8 nights. Parents was desperate to have a good sleep. Because they were too tired to work.

They go into church and ask holy father what can they do to make them child to have a good sleep. To do not wake them up every single night. Father just told them to speak to them child and have a hope that everything is going to be fine if it doesn't stop happening they will have to come back to him.

Parents was very happy about this advice. But by next 3 nights nothing change. The same situation as always. But this night was even worse. They again go to father and ask him to come to them house. When he come and check he says straight away 'your home is cursed by evil powers only your son can see them'. Parents were shocked  but ask father how can they stop it. They heard only 'you can't is too late'.

They had another advice to kick out them cat and can't let him back again to them house like also move somewhere. But cat was always back even when they moved and kid always hug him and fell into sleep.

After few days father again come to them house and he says 'nothing change here are also evil powers'. In this moment to the living room come shape all in black with scythe in this hands and he killed everyone in this room. To the house come four people. Happy, alive and healthy. But nobody come outside. But no one go out. Anyway nobody who was alive. After this accident this house was closed and his name was 'cursed house of death'. Nobody never lives in there again after.

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