niedziela, 1 czerwca 2014


I am here where I am. Hungry, tired and scared. In air everybody can smell fear and death. So many young life's go in to the war and never come back. Mum's were crying in them sons graves. They will never again happy. They can't wake them sons up every morning with receptive smile on them face. Can't go near them and play with them.

This war is too long. I am here where I am. Hungry, tired and scared. But I never lose the hope that something happen and war will finally end. I never lose my hope in better future. I believed every day that this will be finish. No body will be killed again. That people ours executioners would clean them souls and will not kill anybody ever again.

I am here where I am. Alone because war took from me my family. My mother died when I was 7. She step into a grenade which was thrown before but she didn't see him. It exploded and turn her into a billions bits. I was seriously injured. Doctors never gave me chance to come out from this in one piece. My brother and dad was seating near me all days and nights waiting to make wake up. And in one day I wake up.

I am here where I am. Alone because war took from me my family. My dad died when I was 17. We were in a town shopping. We were doing this very quickly. All the time look under ours fits and all around. To find enemy guns, peoples or powers. And when I go into other shop and buy other things from ours list into my dad start shoot a soldier. He was shouting so many different things in different language. I try to get to my dad and protect him before death to do not leave me alone me and my brother. Then one boy in my age grabbed me and hugged to himself. He didn't let me see what happen next. When it finish I just come collect things to its bags and just go home.

When I come to home I start crying. I never felt worse than in that moment. They killed person which I really loved. More than anything. Few days later war again took away somebody close to me. My dear brother. He goes into the army. I never was smiling again. I just had a hope that the war will end and my brother will be back. All alive and safe.

I learned that hope and belief will never die if somebody wants. This two things will life forever to the end of ours days. They will never gone. Nothing can kill them.

piątek, 30 maja 2014

Hard case

So the story starts very normally. She was a family that consists was : mum, dad, two daughters and son. The son was the oldest and very cared about the younger sister . At any time, he was the standby assistance . But when the boy had finished only 19 years began to be secretive and quiet. propping up in itself. From day to day was further from his family . More and more secretive . Sisters  noticed the first did not know what to do so I just did not far from anything . considered the situation in August solve same as leaving it as it is at the moment.
One day a brother came home beaten barely walking down . Dragged his feet not paying attention to chill or anything else around him . One of the sisters (the younger ) Natalia ran to his brother and helped us get to the couch was very difficult but after heavy struggles they do not fail . They did that joining forces and great stubbornness . Mature at the time happened to accumulate the necessary things to affix his brother such as gauze , plasters, bandages and hydrogen peroxide . Have successfully dealt with this quite quickly when finished looked at his brother in surprise. ( Parents did not respond because their time was not in the house went to the store to do shopping ) .
- Who did it ? - She asked the older
- And why ? - She added younger
- I will not tell you because I do not want to involve you in this case.
- Tell us - asked Dagmara but very quiet voice.
- The less you know the safer you are .
- How do you - as told and depart leaving him alone .
Simon was alone with his thoughts not very happy. He could not truth because a family limited hours condemn his behaviour and meddling . And above all this with at all came up with such a terrible idea. Directed the notice also that the family did not want to because of what you did fell into the same problems as he did. The most afraid of about a pregnant mum and youngest sister. He knew this , and while the older sister gave to deal with this very well do the trick.
Days flowed for the rest of the family quickly and cheerfully for it to Simon's long , sad and gloomy . Repented and is very with at all when he agreed with the idea of ​​a colleague. They should not have time to do that .
In the end, the parents could not stand the silence of their oldest son called him over one day in the evening when the girls were asleep stony sleep .
- What's going on , son? - She asked a worried mum
- No - replied the moodily
- Tell us
- You are going bad .
- Know the always will help you .
- You are going bad when I tell you the truth and shocked that something like this I could do .
- If you do not it is heard in August did not know how to tell that you choose.
- No. So a week ago , Robert asked me to I went with him because he found a grave who should not be in there was to find . - Said can remember far back to that memorable evening - So I went with him there. See some the grave . But when we opened it we saw the stairs. We started to descend after them , and then we walked to ... For for some of ... - said the increasingly clamping August throat.
- What place? - Dad cautiously asked .
- I do not know it looked like a tomb but it was not . There was so dark and ... and unless someone was there . It crossed nearby Cos we turned on the flash light when it was not already . But the hand of Robert bloodshed it was a trace after some nails. And when we saw for some guy just out of there we started to run away . I am fluent in first behind me Robert , however, that someone ... is something ... caught him by the ankle and started to pull on me screaming at loud ... I caught him by the hand and went on to himself did not want him to fast . Reconciling it cos it sucked I got up and quickly ran out of there . In the books I found the light so afraid he avoided the dark places .
- God son what have you done ? - She said her mother , shaking his head in disbelief.
IN THIS moment a terrified shriek sister . Simon He jumped up and ran to his room upstairs sister all the way lighting the light. When I ran into the room he saw as the someone is holding in his arms his sister and next to him is his friend Robert holding the steel embrace a limp like a rag doll second sister .
- FAST is it you came after me .
Spook nodded and stared toward the dark garden. Simon grasped without words went in down the stairs and went out into the garden. Parents following her every step he took . At the same time, with nowhere occurred, dark phantom holding the two sisters . Simon came over and said he is ready to pay for what they did . Under the condition that he will be able to say goodbye with the family . Spook nodded again . Sisters fasted which immediately woke up terrified and clung to his brother . Escorted them to the parents and exchanging last hugs promised them that already never will they be ashamed for him . Set off toward phantoms impassively and when I already had her hand insert your teeth completed the work descended from heaven a great light shaft and covered him boyfriend. The apparition fled into the ground . And instead appeared an angel . He said he came after him because the angel of death can not pick just have a nice and benevolent son and brother like him. Boy looked longed for a family but eventually went away with a good angel . Since then, every birthday will one of the family members get in there and endows them with smiles and before in the form of his love.


One night a little boy heard weird noise from down stairs. He start to fear that this may be a monster. But when he come down stairs and go in the noise way he was to scared to move one more step. Then from the kitchen cupboard jump his cat. Straight into his little arms.

Scared boy start to screaming and crying. His parent come down stairs very quickly so scared about them little boy. When come near boy he turn round and stop shocked. The cat snout was all in blood. Parents found it weird by mum very quickly clean his snout.

In this time dad take his son into his arms and start to make him again sleepy. After few minutes kid again fell into sleep. All calm and happy. The same situation was happening all the time by next 8 nights. Parents was desperate to have a good sleep. Because they were too tired to work.

They go into church and ask holy father what can they do to make them child to have a good sleep. To do not wake them up every single night. Father just told them to speak to them child and have a hope that everything is going to be fine if it doesn't stop happening they will have to come back to him.

Parents was very happy about this advice. But by next 3 nights nothing change. The same situation as always. But this night was even worse. They again go to father and ask him to come to them house. When he come and check he says straight away 'your home is cursed by evil powers only your son can see them'. Parents were shocked  but ask father how can they stop it. They heard only 'you can't is too late'.

They had another advice to kick out them cat and can't let him back again to them house like also move somewhere. But cat was always back even when they moved and kid always hug him and fell into sleep.

After few days father again come to them house and he says 'nothing change here are also evil powers'. In this moment to the living room come shape all in black with scythe in this hands and he killed everyone in this room. To the house come four people. Happy, alive and healthy. But nobody come outside. But no one go out. Anyway nobody who was alive. After this accident this house was closed and his name was 'cursed house of death'. Nobody never lives in there again after.