niedziela, 1 czerwca 2014


I am here where I am. Hungry, tired and scared. In air everybody can smell fear and death. So many young life's go in to the war and never come back. Mum's were crying in them sons graves. They will never again happy. They can't wake them sons up every morning with receptive smile on them face. Can't go near them and play with them.

This war is too long. I am here where I am. Hungry, tired and scared. But I never lose the hope that something happen and war will finally end. I never lose my hope in better future. I believed every day that this will be finish. No body will be killed again. That people ours executioners would clean them souls and will not kill anybody ever again.

I am here where I am. Alone because war took from me my family. My mother died when I was 7. She step into a grenade which was thrown before but she didn't see him. It exploded and turn her into a billions bits. I was seriously injured. Doctors never gave me chance to come out from this in one piece. My brother and dad was seating near me all days and nights waiting to make wake up. And in one day I wake up.

I am here where I am. Alone because war took from me my family. My dad died when I was 17. We were in a town shopping. We were doing this very quickly. All the time look under ours fits and all around. To find enemy guns, peoples or powers. And when I go into other shop and buy other things from ours list into my dad start shoot a soldier. He was shouting so many different things in different language. I try to get to my dad and protect him before death to do not leave me alone me and my brother. Then one boy in my age grabbed me and hugged to himself. He didn't let me see what happen next. When it finish I just come collect things to its bags and just go home.

When I come to home I start crying. I never felt worse than in that moment. They killed person which I really loved. More than anything. Few days later war again took away somebody close to me. My dear brother. He goes into the army. I never was smiling again. I just had a hope that the war will end and my brother will be back. All alive and safe.

I learned that hope and belief will never die if somebody wants. This two things will life forever to the end of ours days. They will never gone. Nothing can kill them.